“What problems do life coaches solve?”

I’m always asked what problems do life coaches solve?

One of those problems is that many of us procrastinate and as a result fail to set ourselves goals. Did you knoow there’s a connection between the two, and its time that we own up to it.

My role as a life coach is to help you to achieve anything you want in life. Even though you might be thinking that the conditions in your life aren’t favourable right now. And deep down in your heart there may be something you want or need in your life although you’re not sure what it is. That said, I want you to know that there are options available to you and here are your options:

One is to wait. This will certainly improve your outlook, either because you will learn more information, or because something better will come along.

The second option it to ahead with identifying what you want and make a plan to achieve it. You certainly have the free will to do so and be assured that I am here for you whatever you decide to do.

Life coaching for women

So, in the meantime ladies think about hiring a life coach. Coaching will guide you through the process of starting a personal development plan for yourself ready for 2022. That’s a positive step forward because it will help you move faster towards your goals.

I would recommend starting with a smart goal that’s easy so that you feel a sense of achievement.  It could be as simple as deciding to go out for walk each day.

As a life coach I would also encourage you to review:

  • your career
  • learn how to avoid burnout
  • your stress levels
  • how to achieve something you never thought possible
  • or help your teenagers to find their purpose in life.

Seven questions you should ask yourself

Remember that life’s too short to live a life that isn’t working for you, so to discover what you want in life there are seven questions you need to ask yourself.

To help you answer the seven questions, I have put together a free life coaching worksheet where you can rate your life as it is today and see where improvements can be made. Press the DOWNLOAD button now and start 2022 with a spring in your step.

Have a great week ahead.

With love


P.S. Check out my online life coaching course.

With love


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