Professional Life Coaching In The UK For Students & Professionals

Everyone can find direction in life

Everyone can find direction in life with coaching programs that are proven to work.

Sign up for adult’s course
book a students’ course
Discover What You Want

Discover What You Want

Life Roadmap

Create A Roadmap To Achieve

Life Achievements

Transform Your Life

You want to be in control of your life, right?

It’s not always easy to find your direction in life, and as a result, it can leave you feeling stuck and frustrated at times. However, I want to show you how to get from where you are now to where you want to be in a matter of weeks.

First, we’ll explore your current situation. Next, we’ll develop a tailored plan to bridge the gap between the two. Finally, I’ll guide you step-by-step, providing the tools and support you need. How does that sound?

Overcome Life’s Challenges such as:

  • Career Uncertainty

  • Academic Pressure

  • Work-Life Balance

  • Leadership Development

  • Motivational Issues

  • Confidence Building

I can promise you three results:

  1. Clarity in six vital areas of your life: finance, job or career, free time, physical and mental health, relationships, personal life and community
  2. A vision board to inspire and motivate you that you’ll look at and be excited about every day like the one on the right here
  3. A road map which will help you get to where you want to be by working on small daily goals to build your self confidence and self-belief
Stress & anxiety
Breakthrough To Success

I offer Life Coaching In The UK For Students & Professionals in:

  • The Education sector for staff and students
  • Corporate sector related to coaching and mentoring of staff
  • 1-1 life coaching scenarios

Here is just one of many testimonials from my clients.

“I wanted to say thank you, you’ve actually changed my life in an hour and I’m genuinely excited for my future.” Miss A Hampshire.

If that’s all you need to hear and you want book an exploratory call, you can book it now by going to the top of the page, but if you want to hear why this works so well, I’m going to tell you the biggest reason why.

Here’s how I work with you…

Stage 1 – Firstly, together we explore your mindset for change

Stage 2 – Next, we delve into the problem you’re experiencing

Stage 3 – Afterward, you’ll learn the Success Principles™

Stage 4 – Subsequently, we create a vision board

Stage 5 – Then, we set some achievable SMART goals

Stage 6 – Ultimately, the result is a happier you

Courses for all ages

Courses for professionals

Many people get stuck trying to figure out what they want and how to achieve it.

My facilitated online coaching course with live coaching sessions will help you discover where you want to go with a clear road map of how to get there.

Learn more

Group coaching for students

When students suffer from a loss of direction, opportunities are missed and potential remains unfulfilled.

Group coaching (delivered within a school, college or university setting) helps students discover what they want and take control of their future.

Learn more
Lesley Strachan

Meet your new guide.

I understand what it’s like to live a life without direction. That was me a few years ago. I struggled to break out of a negative pattern, I couldn’t figure out what I wanted from life, and I lost my way.

Thanks to Jack Canfield’s Success Principles™ I was inspired to find my path again. Fast forward to today and I am an author and established speaker. I am also the UK’s number one trainer in the very same principles that helped me and thousands of others discover what they want and how to achieve it. 

I’ve helped hundreds of people find direction in their life. I can help you too.

More About Lesley

Organisations that trust me

Nobody should live their life without direction

Sign Up For An Adult’s Course
Book A Student’s Course