How to create your own vision board

How often do you “see” your big vision? Or maybe you don’t have a vision yet?

I’m talking about your ideal #vision for the life you most want to live – the physical trappings (your dream home & car, the clothes you want to wear) – as well as how you want to spend your time and how you want to FEEL each day as you live your life and do the work you do.

If you don’t “see” this vision in your mind on a regular basis, it’s going to be difficult for you to ensure that your daily actions move you closer to making that vision a reality.

The good news is, there is a simple tool that you can use to that helps you see your vision every day and keep it top of mind so you can make sure you’re moving in the direction of your goals.

Keeping your vision at the top of your mind

Today I’m going to tell you how to create your own vision board that works…

We all have areas in our life when #lifecoaching can help.

Whether it be your #finances, ##job or #career, how you spend your free time, your #health, #relationships with other people, your own #personaldevelopment or giving back in your #community.

Here’s my five-year vision for myself…some of it looks crazy at the moment and a lot of it has come true.

Dream big and create moments where you can move forward because we only live once!

Visualise what you want right now…

Take a minute now, close your eyes and let your mind give you images of what your ideal would look like if you could have exactly what you wanted.

How much happier do you feel knowing what’s possible?

Not sure what to do about it next?

Whatever is on your mind that you’d like to sort, fear not, I have a gift for you.

Your Online Life Coaching Programme is waiting for you

Discover my online life coaching programme today.

If you’re not ready yet read more about how I can help you here.

Happy holidays everyone

I wish you a very peaceful holiday season whether you celebrate Christmas or not.

Here’s to your success in 2023.

Best Wishes
