I have some fantastic news to share with you all. As many of you know, I’ve been deeply involved in the education sector for over 30 years, and I’ve had the privilege of working with thousands of young people while offering life coaching for young adults. During this journey, I’ve witnessed the concerns of parents and the aspirations of young adults, which have inspired me to take action. 🧡

🔍 The Top Concerns of Parents: 🤔

In a recent survey of over 2,500 parents, I discovered the following top worries:

  • Creating financial independence and self-reliance 💰
  • Choosing the right career path 🛤️
  • Reclaiming more free time ⌛
  • Enhancing physical and mental health 🧘♂️
  • Strengthening relationships in all aspects of life 🤝
  • Fostering self-confidence, success, passion, and fulfilment 😄
  • The role of young people in the global and local community 🌎

I’ve pondered on these concerns, especially the fact that over 70% of students I’ve worked with didn’t have a clear vision of their future, impacting their studies negatively. This raised a crucial question for me: What if young people had a vision of their future and the support to work backward, finding the qualifications they need? 🤷♀

💡 The Vision for a Brighter Future With Life Coaching For Young Adults💫

I believe it’s crucial that young individuals have the opportunity to align their studies and careers with their core passions, rather than being pigeonholed into a path they may not love. But it doesn’t end there. We need to extend this concept to adults as well, as many are stuck in jobs, they are not passionate about.

🌟 Introducing: The Ultimate Guide for Parents📖

My latest book, “The Ultimate Guide for Parents: How to bring up successful, passionate, and self-reliant young adults,” is designed to address these concerns head-on. Inside, you’ll find a collection of the most successful self-development techniques, combined with the unique practices I’ve learned as a Jack Canfield Certified Trainer in “The Success Principles.” 📚

📚 Want a Sneak Peek At Our Life Coaching For Young Adults Book?🎥

Can’t wait to learn more? Check out this interview where I explain what the book is all about. It’s a great way to get a glimpse of the valuable content within.

Or just jump in and order now on Amazon.

Let’s work together to help our young people find their passion and purpose for the future. Remember, a life filled with purpose is a life well-lived. 😊

About Me:

I’m Lesley Strachan, an award-winning Coach and Trainer with over 30 years of experience in the education sector. I’ve had the privilege of working with countless young people, and I’m committed to helping them and their families achieve their dreams and goals.

Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for being a part of this incredible journey with me. Let’s make the future brighter for our young adults! 🌟📚

Warm regards,

Lesley Strachan

Follow me on social media LinkedIn| YouTube|Podcast


With love
