Summer is a great time to upskill

A big shout out this month for Karen Williams @ Librotas, Sam Pearce @ SWATT Books Ltd and Louise Lubke Cuss @ Wordblink.

Without these wonderful people I wouldn’t be celebrating the third  anniversary of my book called The Ultimate Guide for Parents: How to help your kids become self-confident, happy, and passionate.

Did you know that over 70% of teenagers do not know what they want from their life and career and there are 4.9 million teenagers in the UK in the same boat!

I know because I work with hundreds of teenagers every year.

My passion is to maximise their future potential and help them to find out who they are and what they want from their lives.

Working in schools is so rewarding for me

There’s a time when I actually watch their ‘lightbulb’ moments.

This is when they realise what they want in their life and career and decide to go after it.

To help parents have these conversations at home I wrote a book called The Ultimate Guide for Parents: How to help your kids become self-confident, happy, and passionate.

There are easy to complete exercises which parents can use to start conversations with their teens.

I’ve found that the exercises are also used by parents and carers themselves.

If you’re looking for a summer read then look no further, it might even change your perspective on life and give you a boost.

Available now on Amazon.

With love


With love


The Ultimate Guide For Parents