Freedom to choose.

Let’s talk about commitment.

I’m talking about your willingness to give 100 percent of yourself to accomplishing a specific goal.

When you think about the dreams you want to achieve in life – the person you want to be, the values you want to uphold, the experiences you want to have – how committed are you to making those dreams come true?

Your answer to that question will determine your level of success in life.

Because total, unyielding commitment is the only guaranteed path to manifesting your dreams. The only thing separating the people who achieve their goals from those who don’t is that the achievers never give up.

That’s why today I’d like to share one of my most powerful success principles that will help you cultivate the kind of commitment you need to achieve any goal you can imagine.

Keep reading to discover what it is…

If you commit anything less than 100% of yourself to a goal, you make it SO MUCH harder for yourself to achieve that goal! Here’s why 100% commitment is always the way to go.

Today I want to share with you a video from our CEO Jack Canfield on the topic of commitment called “99% vs Committed.

What are YOU committed to achieving?

This week I encourage you to spend some time thinking about the goals you dream of achieving in your life.

During August I am committed to losing all my lockdown weight – around 10 lbs worth which seriously has to go so I can get into more of my clothes.

I’ve starting using my Samsung Health app on my phone to log everything I do so there’s no shying away from ‘reality’

Then ask yourself: Exactly HOW committed am I to achieving these things?

If your answer is anything less than 100% – and those goals are important to you – NOW is the time to make them your top priority and commit yourself completely to achieving them.

Ask yourself: What’s stopping you from giving yourself fully to your dreams?

Then do whatever you can to overcome that obstacle and free your attention and energy to focus on your goals.

Because when you stop waffling and focus yourself fully on your dreams, you will be amazed at how much easier it will be for you to make them a reality!

With love


With love
