If you were to act as if it were impossible to fail what could you achieve? Let’s take a moment to think about this: What if you truly believed that success was not just possible but inevitable? How would that change the way you act today? This simple shift in your mindset—believing and acting as if it were impossible to fail—can completely transform the way you approach your goals. It’s more than just wishful thinking; it’s about setting yourself up for success by shifting your actions, decisions, and focus to match the life you desire. It is all about developing a success mindset.

Change Your Focus With The Reticular Activating System (RAS)

Your brain is wired to support your goals, but you must give it the right instructions. This is where the Reticular Activating System (RAS) comes into play. The RAS is like a filter that helps you notice opportunities, ideas, and connections that align with your goals. When you begin to act as if you’re already successful, you signal to your brain that this is your reality, and it starts to filter out distractions and focus on what matters most. This is a prime example of a success mindset in action.

Here’s an example: Have you ever bought a new car and suddenly started seeing that same model everywhere? That’s your RAS at work. The same concept applies when you act as if you’ve already achieved your dreams. Your brain picks up on opportunities that you may have overlooked before, and that’s when the magic happens!

Case Study: The Bank Cashier Who Dressed the Part And Had A Success Mindset

I love sharing real-life stories that bring these ideas to life. Take the example of a young bank cashier who dressed and carried himself like a branch manager even before he was promoted. His attitude and appearance reflected where he wanted to go, not where he was. Guess what? His managers noticed, and before long, he climbed the ranks to become a branch manager. His story is proof that when you act like the person you want to become, you start opening doors that lead you there.

The Power of Play-Acting: Fred Couples and Jim Nantz

One of my favourite examples is the story of Fred Couples and Jim Nantz. While still in university, these two friends play-acted a scene where Fred won the Masters and Jim, as a CBS announcer, interviewed him. Fourteen years later, this exact scenario played out for real. They believed in their dreams so much that they rehearsed them long before they became reality.

How You Can Start Acting As If Today With A Success Mindset

So, how can you use this principle to move closer to your goals? Start by asking yourself, “How would I act if I’d already achieved what I want?” What would your day look like? How would you speak? How would you carry yourself? Once you get clear on this, begin taking action that matches this vision as part of your success mindset. It could be as simple as dressing the part, changing your habits, or shifting your mindset to be more solution focused.

It Starts with You

Your thoughts and actions shape your reality. So, why not start acting like the person you want to become? Believing in yourself is step one. Step two is acting as if your success is already here. When you align your actions with your goals, you’ll be amazed at how opportunities begin to present themselves. Go ahead and try adopting a success mindset – you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Ready To Step Into Your Future Success?

Book a exploratory call with Lesley to find out how she can help you step into your future success by developing a success mindset with her online coaching course. It’s a powerful mindset where you act as if it is impossible to fail. This relatively simple shift in mindset can make all the difference to your success and outlook on life.

Most of us love a party but who knew that a party could change your life? This party really could change your life, watch this video of Masters students at Solent University where we had a Come As You Are Party (set three years in advance).