Benefits of life coaching for students


Did you know that over 70% of our young people feel lost & doubt themselves, and don’t know what they want in life?

The good news is that I have helped hundreds of students take control of their future and see their education from a new perspective.

Pre pandemic I worked with several groups of pupils at The Chamberlayne College for the Arts (now part of Hamwic Education Trust).

The programme is called The Success Principles for Teens™.

These unique workshops are based on a proven coaching system we’ve been successfully using for over 40 years as certified trainers.

The benefits of life coaching for students are clear.

The outcome always blows my mind when pupils evidence significant increases in the soft skills they need and gain clarity on what they want in their lives.

Just imagine how much easier it would be to teach students who choose the right subjects and are therefore highly motivated to do well.

That’s what life coaching can help with. You can book a free staff workshop at your school to find out more visit my student coaching page.

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